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Facebook and Twitter Design

"We’ll take you from just being there to making heads turn when you walk through the door."

...Be social – with style
don’t show up to the party wearing ratty old jeans. It’s time to put your best foot forward!

  • Socialize Your Brand
  • Set Yourself Apart
  • Conversations With Style

"Facebook offers a whole new way to strut your stuff. Make sure your Facebook Page and Twitter Profile reflect who you are and who you want to attract. Get Social working for you - contact us, today."

For businesses, getting social on the web is a whole different world. In fact, it's so different that we actually have an entire website focused on social marketing – Social.BastionInternet.com. However, here is a summary of the “design” element of your social marketing strategy involving Facebook and Twitter.


Facebook offers a great deal of flexibility in personalizing your company's "Page". We’ll take your current branding and “socialize” it into a custom tab where your visitors will land. This can be a simple “splash” type of page or an entire mini website within your Facebook page, itself.

If you don’t have branding you want to carry over, we’ll create that for you, too.


Twitter offers you the ability to step it up and extend your brand with custom backgrounds, colors, and a personalized profile picture or image.

If you don’t have branding you want to carry over, we’ll create that for you, too.

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